You can buy me wholesale. Amazon life and bittersweet goodbyes.

That's right, you can buy me on Amazon- instant download or the DVD.  LOVE AND CLASS IN CONNECTICUT, the film that I did many moons ago is on Amazon. A couple of my friends (and my Mom) have already bought the DVD and its great to have their support. They even joked about doing a screening at someone's house. The writer is totally on board if it happens. Cool to be a part of a story that continues to live on.

Now the bittersweet news, Joe Danisi and Andrea Cirie are moving on from the Tuesdays @ 9 Naked Angels rooster. They are passing the baton and going forth with other projects. They have been so much a part of my acceptance and growth with the Naked Angels community and I will miss seeing their faces every week. I know NYC and theater is all about change but sometimes it sucks. I wish them the very best and can't wait to see what they do next. And I thank them, for making me feel included and introducing me to people I now consider colleagues and friends.

Artistically Fulfilled

It's been such a crazy year and a half. Last year I was so lucky to get Dramatist Fellow Brandon James Gwinn to work with me as the Music Director in creating a unique cabaret that's interwoven with my family ancestry. He made every part of it a delight and I'm so grateful that he thought my family stories were as funny as I thought they were. My Director, three time MAC Award winner Brandon Cutrell, just got what I was trying to accomplish and gave years of experience to the project. With my acting coach Annie Meisels, I felt truly blessed to have her spitfire energy in my corner. Michael Lucero made me feel beautiful and sassy with fun hair and make-up. Justin Nako gave me easy steps of choreography that made that particular song a crowd favorite.  As you can see, there are so many more people involved in a cabaret than the person singing.  With that, I'm ever thankful to know Tricia Baron, Miriam Baron, Kenny Holcomb, Tessa Borbridge, Sarah Sheppard, Paul Davis, Jeffrey Koch, The Duplex Cabaret employees, co-workers and friends who came out to support me, and my Mom who shared her family stories and cherished memories.   Let's see what happens next.


So that happened....

We did it!!! The Core Artist Ensemble put up an Off Broadway run of Dean Imperial's work at the TBG theater. ADULTS ONLY was a two hard months, seven one acts, 19 actors, stumbles and fumbles, and huge laughs along the way.  What an accomplishment for everyone involved. 
I'm never as happy as when I'm on stage. I know my place. There were a couple of nights where I was just in awe.
At one point in the show I would sit back and watch one of the amazing actresses, Jane Elias, in the show. The light would hit the stage a certain way,  I would be sitting on stage with the other actresses and I could see the audience out of the corner of my eye. And all I could think was "I'm in it. I'm here." I could breathe. I was in a theater.

A Happy New Year !!!

Wow! Another year done. Lots to be proud of.

So happy that we had such a wonderful response to FROM THE MIXED UP FILES OF MY BACKGROUND CHECK that we are doing it again.  Look for us to repeat on March 24th at 7pm.


But before that, the Core Artist Ensemble is putting up "ADULTS ONLY"  for a three week run in February. We've had a few rehearsals so far and its already been such a trip. Can't wait. check us out at

2016 is already looking good.



While I've been working on my cabaret, I knew I needed a little help with bringing my writing to life.

Enter Annie Meisels.

She's an amazing actress and has helped me so much as an acting coach. Her enthusiasm and generous spirit keep making me believe I can pull this off. Annie is great about getting me out of my head and to just tell the stories. She and I can't wait to hear what you think of them.

my B&B team.

I have two Brandons in my life and they are the best.

I'm gearing up for my cabaret on November 12th and I couldn't ask for a better guys to be on my side. Brandon Cutrell and I have known each other since I first got the nerve to sing in front of people when he hosted The After Party. He has always had my best interests at heart and makes me laugh all the time. He's a sharp and witty host, and his encouragement is honest, right on the money, and always appreciated. 

Cutrell introduced me to Brandon James Gwinn and I have been grateful ever since. When I told the idea I had to BJG, I thought for sure he would think I was out of my mind. Not only did he like the idea, he came up with great song ideas and fun arrangements that make me so happy to sing. He's funny, talented, and constantly teaching me new ways to approach the music. I know I still have miles to go but I always leave a rehearsal with a smile on my face.

Like I said, they are the best. Don't care if I am overstating.


CORE!! and more news!

Such exciting news all around. The Core Artist Ensemble is steam rolling ahead and I can't wait. I've been having a lot of fun with this group and I can't wait to see everyone's pieces for the 2nd Annual Fundraiser called AS SEEN ON TV.  Come join us.

Looking forward to working with Mark Gaylord this weekend. He's creating a cool new musical and he's asked me, along with some other crazy talented people  to help with some recording for the process. Very honored.

This last weekend I was able to have a photo shoot with the fabulous Tricia Baron. She always takes the best pics of me. I was even able to get the talents of Sandy Spence (Costume Designer) and Michael Lucero (Hair Stylist) to help me out as well. Can't wait to see how it all came out.




Kenny Holcomb is the bomb! He’s a graphic designer with power vocals and heart of gold. I am so lucky that he created my poster design for my solo show. He makes everything look good and straight up professional and fun.  I wasn’t sure the idea I had would really translate the way i hoped but his work is undeniable.  You can check him out here too.       It's all about putting the pieces together a bit at a time.


Isn't it amazing what can happen when you open yourself up to the possibilities. I'm thrilled to say I got asked to be a part of a reading for Naked Angels/First Mondays. This is the next step for a lot of the writers that bring their work to Tuesdays@9 while also being a huge hug of support for the process. Robert Tamburino, who is the writer, suggested me for a part in this reading and I'm so happy I'll be able to do it. I'll get to read Stella in St. Anthony's Bread on Monday May 4th. More details will be on my facebook page. Giddy today.

Little Victories

The little victories help so much when you are trying to put it all together. I was able to read again at Naked Angels last week. It felt like a victory to show a piece of the story that had terrified me. What would people say? Would they hate it? Would they laugh? Would they get it? All those worries went to the wayside when I remembered to just tell the story. Seems so simple, but not so easy in practice. Thank goodness I had Annie Meisels in my corner as an acting coach extraordinaire. And a room full of warm artists to listen and laugh. Gladys lives!

I just applied for my first ever festival. Keep your fingers crossed for me.


It's a New Year! Adventures await.

The new year has begun and rewrites have been made. They seem to really work and I found new insights in the writing while still keeping the humor. Along with re-writes, I've started working on my cabaret with a new piano player. The awesome Brandon James Gwinn, great guy and I'm loving the working vibe. Deadlines for festivals are very very quickly approaching. Thank God for Matt Hoverman's online course, I'd be lost without it. Full steam ahead and getting dirty in the research and rehearsal.

Welcome back to the USA

I took a vacation in late November to London. Wow, what an invigorating trip. So much to see, and so much history to be embraced by in England.   To see the Churchill War Rooms after reading about Bletchley Park over the summer and knowing the movie The Imitation Game was coming out soon.  To see the Globe Theater-  the replication and detail that everyone tried to get just right for such a beloved art form. Knowing that the language of Shakespeare lives on and is finding new audiences. It just proves time and time again that the story, if it’s a good story, will always hold true. To actually go into a London theater and want to know all the shows that have passed thru the doors on Dury Lane was quite a heady experience.

So I came back and felt inspired to attack my writing. I even entered in another piece to Naked Angels for Tuesdays @9. I finally started a conversation with a possible new musical director for my cabaret- fingers crossed and very hopeful.  All while working on a new Christmas song for the holiday season that I’ve always wanted to do. Forward march and may I have another toffee pudding please. Cheers.

I Read at Tue@9 Ths Week!


It's always daunting when your sharing new material with an audience you know. Add in the people you don't know and feels even more so. How are they going to take it? Will they get it? Is it funny? Will they care?

But that's the great thing about Tuesdays@9.  The people there make you feel feel so welcome. They understand that they are part of the process and want you to succeed. So when you get a laugh, it's so much more. For jaded New Yorkers, like myself, having a space where you can try things out and see where they land is a goldmine. And when people come up to you afterwards and ask, "Are you bringing in more?", it feels like you might have something good. It's a journey, and I'm going for it.

And how fabulous is Rachel Casparian for taking this photo of me! I love it.