I have two Brandons in my life and they are the best.
I'm gearing up for my cabaret on November 12th and I couldn't ask for a better guys to be on my side. Brandon Cutrell and I have known each other since I first got the nerve to sing in front of people when he hosted The After Party. He has always had my best interests at heart and makes me laugh all the time. He's a sharp and witty host, and his encouragement is honest, right on the money, and always appreciated.
Cutrell introduced me to Brandon James Gwinn and I have been grateful ever since. When I told the idea I had to BJG, I thought for sure he would think I was out of my mind. Not only did he like the idea, he came up with great song ideas and fun arrangements that make me so happy to sing. He's funny, talented, and constantly teaching me new ways to approach the music. I know I still have miles to go but I always leave a rehearsal with a smile on my face.
Like I said, they are the best. Don't care if I am overstating.