Some great things have been happening, and one small stumble. First, the good news. I had a joyous time reading "St. Anthony's Bread" by Robert Tamburino. He couldn't have been nicer and everyone in the room was so generous of spirit. I learned so much and was so grateful. Really a pleasure.
Since joining the Core Artist Ensemble (, I feel I have found another great group of people to surround myself with. They are committed to growing and developing in all the areas they need to so that the company can sustain itself and produce quality theater. Right now, we are in the mist of fundraiser planning and more news will follow.
The sad stumble. I didn't get into the upstate theater festival I had hoped for. It was my first try and there any many more to pursue- but it always just makes you sad for a moment. If anything, its a way to reevaluate how to move forward and promote myself to festivals. I have a few ideas in the fire and hopefully things will develop over the summer. Lots to do, lots to do.