That's right, you can buy me on Amazon- instant download or the DVD. LOVE AND CLASS IN CONNECTICUT, the film that I did many moons ago is on Amazon. A couple of my friends (and my Mom) have already bought the DVD and its great to have their support. They even joked about doing a screening at someone's house. The writer is totally on board if it happens. Cool to be a part of a story that continues to live on.
Now the bittersweet news, Joe Danisi and Andrea Cirie are moving on from the Tuesdays @ 9 Naked Angels rooster. They are passing the baton and going forth with other projects. They have been so much a part of my acceptance and growth with the Naked Angels community and I will miss seeing their faces every week. I know NYC and theater is all about change but sometimes it sucks. I wish them the very best and can't wait to see what they do next. And I thank them, for making me feel included and introducing me to people I now consider colleagues and friends.